Over on another blog, you may salivating over salacious photographs depicting a certain scantily-clad OG pretending to hit a tennis ball at a hapless foe. Could that foe have been cowering in fear of what appeared to be a solar eclipse? Only the participants know for sure.
Well, don't get the wrong impression. The 'lopsided' score stands at one to one.
Perhaps this 'much ado' could be a sign that the tennis apocalypse is near for the aforementioned senior citizen, who is trying vainly to reclaim past glory before limping (crawling?) into the hardcourt sunset.
Blip, indeed.
First of all be it known to all that the heading "1 to 1" refers to "THIS summer tennis series" scores ALONE! The key unit in this phrase is the digit "1" in the ones column representing the ONE win of TVOR. I am now in the process of going back through my Franklin Planners of the last 33 years to retrieve the won loss record extending back to when TVOR was 5 years old! This data is being turned over to
Dr. Melanie Ann Weaver Hamon for statistical analysis to determine whether the one (1) win this summer represents a Blip or a trend. As for "limping into the Hardcourt sunset".....I take the same position as did the great Revolutioanry War hero, John Paul Jones as thus described:
"Jones deftly maneuvered his ship the Bonhomme Richard alongside the larger British vessel and lashed the two ships together. With the muzzles of their guns touching, the two warships fired into each other's insides. Although his smaller vessel was on fire and sinking, [THAT'S ME]...Jones rejected the British demand for surrender; "I have not yet begun to fight," he replied."
....and thus it shall be...!!!
There seems to be something missing from the title of William Shakespeare's play "Much Ado About..........NOTHING"!!! Yes' thats it, nothing. This whole thing amounts to nothing. Get over yourselves guys! Move on with your lives! Your wife and mother.
Yes, dear.
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