Saturday, April 12, 2008

Episode 4...The SURPRISE Episode



Anonymous said...

Very good girls. I especially liked the piano segments. How about interviewing people about their hobbies or jobs? Gma.

Anonymous said...

Loved the surprise show
from over here in Hawaii.As for favorite sports I would have to say MOTOR SPORTS. UB AC

sam-a-lama-ding-dong said...

Now what exactly was the reference to "the hits" given to us by the states?
I'm not sure if that was included in the rest of the show. Unless you were referring to the "hits" you played so well on your piano; which by the way is quite impressive and I hope you continue to study!

Production notes:
The sound is a little muddled since the TV or radio was on in the background while you were recording. You may wish to put an "On Air" sign up somewhere, easily noticed by others in the household, so to "clean-up" the sound.

Nice camera angle on the piano keyboard.

You may wish to discuss technique with your editor as it seems part of your segment was "lost", or, "cut short" when Zoe was speaking.

Ok, that's it for now from your Parisian production office.

How many people do you know that can say they have a production executive in Paris France?

Seeeee yyyyaaaaaa!!!

Bill said...

Wow....I just got done watching the "Surprise Episode" here in Virginia Beach with Hailey and Alyssa. Hailey love it and wants to see it again. I was surprised because I thought the "SURPRISE" was it was going to be my GUEST APPEARANCE episode! Oh well....I'll keep watching!